
Some Physicians and psychiatrists argue that there is nothing wrong or harmful about masturbation, but it is rather normal and healthy.

 Masturbation is a normal and healthy sexual activity with few side effects. Many bizarre claims surround masturbation, such as going blind, and most of these claims are untrueSome people may feel embarrassed, guilty, or ashamed when talking about masturbation. But masturbation is normal, healthy, and not something to feel guilty about. Women who use a vibrator have reported improved sexual function and lubrication, while men experienced an improvement in erectile function.

 Masturbation is a healthy, natural, and safe way to practice self-care and improve your health. Masturbating may have many benefits for your mind and body. Despite the possibility of addiction, there are no harmful side effects.

Some argue, hence one could satisfy oneself, they are in better position to do the same to their partner and thus enhance sexual life.

  I recommend [masturbation] to the women I [treat],” says Kelley KitelyL.C.S.W., a women’s mental health expert based in Chicago, tells SELF. “But a lot of women are embarrassed by it. My hope is that we can normalize it for women, too, because it’s such a natural function,” Kitely says. “I like to refer to it [on the same level of importance] as eating, sleeping, and brushing our teeth.” Sign us up.


Guys, there's no shame in getting busy with yourself. That's because regular masturbation isn't just enjoyable — it's also good for you. “Masturbation is part of a healthy sex life,” Gloria Brame, Ph.D., a clinical sexologist explained to “It’s totally safe and harmless.” In fact, some people believe that masturbation should become a regular part of your personal care routine, kind of like brushing your teeth.

This blog aims at helping you understand better not only the depth of its depravity but also the possible cause and solution to this over mastering addiction.


Many parents turn their face and shy away from such a subject. Thinking and wishing their children will never learn. This is the admonition of a fellow mother, Gods servant.


Mothers, it is a crime for you to allow yourselves to remain in ignorance in regard to the habits of your children. If they are pure, keep them so. Fortify their young minds, and prepare them to detest this health and soul destroying vice. Shield them, as faithful mothers should, from becoming contaminated by associating with every young companion. Keep them, as precious jewels, from the corrupting influence of this age. If you are situated so that their intercourse with young associates cannot always be overruled, as you would wish to have it, then let them visit your children in your presence, and in no case allow these associates to lodge in the same bed, or even in the same room. It will be far easier to prevent an evil than to cure it afterward. SA 58.1



Do you think that your wards are too young or such education will increase their liability to this vice? Hear what prominent Physicans have to say.


I have known boys not yet four years old both practice self-abuse and indulge with the opposite sex; and have known hundreds ruined by it before they entered their teens.' 'I have been consulted in cases almost without number by those on the brink of ruin who sought relief from the consequences of this vice. O. S. Fowler


I have never conversed with a lad twelve years of age who did not know all about the practice, and understand the language used to describe it. Dr. Woodward


"This solitary, but fatal, vice is spreading desolation throughout our schools and families, unnoticed and unknown. William C. Woodbridge


Could anyone believe that the leading cause of insanity is this secret vice?


A study of 500 patients at Iowa State psychopathic Hospital shows that in 22 cases masturbation was the most apparent important cause of disorder.  Dr. W. Malamud and Dr. G. Palmer.


We hate to say it but in a zinc deficient adolescent, sexual excitement and excessive masturbation might precipitate insanity. Carl.  C. Pfeiffer, MD, PhD.


A great number of the ills which come upon the young at and after the age of puberty, arise from this habit, persisted in so long as to waste the vital energies, and enervate the physical and mental powers of the man."  Dr. Woodward, superintendent of the Mass. State Lunatic Hospital,


In the fall of 1844, James White visited the Massachusetts State Lunatic Hospital. While being conducted through the various apartments, mingling promiscuously with the insane, our attention was suddenly arrested by the peculiarly haggard, frantic, wild, and endish appearance of a young man, turning from us with his eye turned back over his shoulder. Struck with his shocking aspect, we inquired of our attendant, a young physician, what was the cause of his insanity. "Solitary vice," was the ready reply. Thought we, solitary vice produces solitary insanity! for we never saw the like before. We further asked, Have you many here from that cause? "A large proportion," was the reply. More than from intemperance? "Oh, yes, far more." Do you nd ladies alike victims of that practice? "We know no difference." We were now passing through a large room where a number of beautiful and apparently intelligent young ladies sat gazing mutely upon us. But, doctor, what are your prospects of cure in such cases? "When there is reason enough left to make the patients see and feel that by abandoning the habit they may be cured, we have good hope; but not otherwise."


Reection is necessary to mental improvement, and as a sound body is necessary to clear and continued reection, so is a sound body necessary to high mental improvement. Once more the ability of the mind to use the knowledge it has, is dependent upon the body. Thus, whatever weakens the body, in so far locks up the mental treasure-house against even itself. But unchastity does weaken and debilitate the body, and by consequence the mind also. James White


Mothers have you ever noticed the following signs and symptoms in your child? Hear what an experienced mother who has worked to assist many suffers in this vice have to say.


Mothers, let us first view the results of this vice upon the physical strength. Have you not marked the lack of healthful beauty, of strength and power of endurance, in your dear children? Have you not felt saddened as you have watched the progress of disease upon them, which has baffled your skill, and that of physicians? You listen to numerous complaints of headache, catarrh, dizziness, nervousness, pain in the shoulders and side, loss of appetite, pain in the back and limbs, wakeful, feverish nights, of tired feelings in the morning, and great exhaustion after exercising? As you have seen the beauty of health disappearing, and have marked the sallow countenance, or the unnaturally-flushed face, have you been aroused sufficiently to look beneath the surface, to inquire into the cause of this physical decay? Have you observed the astonishing mortality among the youth? SA 49.2



And have you not noticed that there was a deficiency in the mental health of your children? That their course seemed to be marked with extremes? That they were absent minded? That they started nervously when spoken to? And were easily irritated? Have you not noticed that, when occupied upon a piece of work, they would look dreamingly, as though the mind was elsewhere? And when they came to their senses, they were unwilling to own the work as coming from their hands, it was so full of mistakes, and showed such marks of inattention? Have you not been astonished at their wonderful forgetfulness? The most simple and oft-repeated directions would often be forgotten. They might be quick to learn, but it would be of no special benefit to them. The mind would not retain it. What they might learn through hard study, when they would use their knowledge, is missing, lost through their sieve-like memories. Have you not noticed their reluctance to engage in active labor? And their unwillingness to perseveringly accomplish that which they have undertaken which taxes the mental, as well as the physical, strength? The tendency of many is to live in indolence. SA 50.1



Have you not witnessed the gloomy sadness upon the countenance, and frequent exhibitions of a morose temper in those who once were cheerful, kind, and affectionate? They are easily excited to jealousy, disposed to look upon the dark side, and when you are laboring for their good, imagine that you are their enemy, that you needlessly reprove and restrain them. SA 50.2



And have you not inquired where will all this end, as you have looked upon your children from a moral point of view? Have you not noticed the increase of disobedience in children, and their manifestations of ingratitude and impatience under restraint? Have you not been alarmed at their disregard of parental authority, which has bowed down the hearts of their parents with grief, and prematurely sprinkled their heads with gray hairs? Have you not witnessed the lack of that noble frankness in your children which they once possessed, and which you admired in them? Some children even express in their countenances a hardened look of depravity. Have you not felt distressed and anxious as you have seen the strong desire in your children to be with the other sex, and the overpowering disposition they possessed to form attachments when quite young? With your daughters, the boys have been the theme of conversation; and with your sons, it has been the girls. They manifest preference for particular ones, and your advice and warnings produce but little change. Blind passion overrules sensible considerations. And, although you may check the outward manifestations, and you credit the promises of amendment, yet, to your sorrow, you find there is no change, only to conceal the matter from you. There are still secret attachments and stolen interviews. They follow their willful course, and are controlled by their passions, until you are startled by perhaps a premature marriage, or are brought to shame by those who should, by their noble course of conduct, bring to you respect and honor. The cases of premature marriage multiply. Boys and girls enter upon the marriage relation with unripe love, immature judgment, without noble, elevated feelings, and take upon themselves the marriage vows, wholly led by their boyish, girlish passions. They choose for themselves, often without the knowledge of the mother who has watched over them, and cared for them, from their earliest infancy. SA 51.1



Mothers, view your children from a religious standpoint. It gives you pain to see your children feeble in body and mind; but does it not cause you still greater grief to see them almost dead to spiritual things, so that they have but little desire for goodness, beauty of character, and holy purposes? Secret vice is the destroyer of high resolve, earnest endeavor, and strength of will to form a good religious character. All who have any true sense of what is embraced in being a Christian, know that the followers of Christ are under obligation as his disciples, to bring all their passions, their physical powers and mental faculties, into perfect subordination to his will. Those who are controlled by their passions cannot be followers of Christ. They are too much devoted to the service of their master, the originator of every evil, to leave their corrupt habits, and choose the service of Christ. SA 53.1



Godly mothers will inquire, with the deepest concern, Will our children continue to practice habits which will unfit them for any responsible position in this life? Will they sacrifice comeliness, health, intellect, and all hope of Heaven, everything worth possessing, here and hereafter, to the demon passion? May God grant that it may be otherwise; and that our children, who are so dear to us, may listen to the voice of warning, and choose the path of purity and holiness. SA 54.1


Every child knows that there exist a stronger bond between them and mom than with Dad, the usefulness of a child is to a great degree dependant on the mothers, but busy with 8am to 5pm jobs they submit the children into the hands of inexperienced nannies and in day cares where likelihood of learning such vice is inevitable. How important mothers spend more time with kids and educate them themselves.


Very young children practice this vice, and it grows upon them and strengthens with their years, until every noble faculty of body and mind is debased. Many might have been saved if they had been carefully instructed in regard to the influence of this practice upon their health. They were ignorant of the fact that they were bringing much suffering upon themselves. Children who are experienced in this vice, seem to be bewitched by the devil until they can impart their vile knowledge to others, even teaching very young children this practice. SA 55.1 [E.G.White., Pioneer health reformer/Educator]



How important that we teach our children self-control from their very infancy, and teach them the lesson of submitting their wills to ours. If they should be so unfortunate as to learn wrong habits, not knowing all the evil results, they can be reformed by appealing to their reason, and convincing them that such habits ruin the constitution, and affect the mind. We should show them that whatever persuasions corrupt persons may use to quiet their awakened fears, and lead them still to indulge this pernicious habit, whatever may be their pretense, they are really their enemies and the devils agents. Virtue and purity are of great value. These precious traits are of heavenly origin. They make God our friend, and unite us firmly to his throne. SA 54.2


Mothers, you cannot be too careful in preventing your children from learning low habits. It is easier to guard them from evil, than for them to eradicate it after it is learned. Neighbors may permit their children to come to your house, to spend the evening and the night with your children. Here is a trial, and a choice for you, to run the risk of offending your neighbors by sending their children to their own home, or gratify them, and let them lodge with your children, and thus expose them to be instructed in that knowledge which would be a life-long curse to them. SA 55.2 [E.G.White., Pioneer health reformer/Educator]




To save my children from being corrupted, I have not allowed them to sleep in the same bed, nor in the same room, with other boys, and have, as occasion has required, when traveling, made a scanty bed upon the floor for them, rather than have them lodge with others. I have tried to keep them from associating with rough, rude boys, and have presented inducements before them to make their employment at home cheerful and happy. By keeping their minds and hands occupied, they have had but little time, or disposition, to play in the street with other boys, and obtain a street education. SA 56.1



A misfortune, which occurred when I was about nine years old, ruined my health. I looked upon this as a great calamity, and murmured because of it. In a few years I viewed the matter quite differently. I then looked upon it in the light of a blessing. I regard it thus now. Because of sickness, I was kept from society, which preserved me in blissful ignorance of the secret vices of the young. After I was a mother, by the private death-bed confessions of some females, who had completed the work of ruin, I first learned that such vices existed. But I had no just conception of the extent of this vice, and the injury the health sustained by it, until a still later period. SA 56.2


As the mother sees her daughter languid and dispirited, with but little vigor, easily irritated, starting suddenly and nervously when spoken to, she feels alarmed, and fears that she will not be able to reach womanhood with a good constitution. She relieves her, if possible, from active labor, and anxiously consults a physician, who prescribes for her without making searching inquiries, or suggesting to the unsuspecting mother the probable cause of her daughters illness. Secret indulgence is, in many cases, the only real cause of the numerous complaints of the young. This vice is laying waste the vital forces, and debilitating the system; and until the habit, which produced the result, is broken off, there can be no permanent cure. To relieve the young from healthful labor, is the worst possible course a parent can pursue. Their life is then aimless, the mind and hands unoccupied, the imagination active, and left free to indulge in thoughts that are not pure and healthful. In this condition they are inclined to indulge still more freely in that vice which is the foundation of all their complaints. SA 57.2


If your children practice this vice, they may be in danger of resorting to falsehood to deceive you. But, mothers, you must not be easily quieted, and cease your investigations. You should not let the matter rest until you are fully satisfied. The health and souls of those you love are in peril, which makes this matter of the greatest importance. Determined watchfulness, and close inquiry, notwithstanding the attempts to evade and conceal, will generally reveal the true state of the case. Then should the mother faithfully present this subject to them in its true light, showing its degrading, downward tendency. Try to convince them that indulgence in this sin will destroy self-respect and nobleness of character; will ruin health and morals, and its foul stain will blot from the soul true love for God, and the beauty of holiness. The mother should pursue this matter until she has sufficient evidence that the practice is at an end. SA 59.1


Mothers should take their daughters with them into the kitchen, and give them a thorough education in the cooking department. They should also instruct them in the art of substantial sewing. They should teach them how to cut garments economically, and put them together neatly. Some mothers, rather than to take this trouble, to patiently instruct their inexperienced daughters, prefer to do all themselves. But in so doing, they leave the essential branches of education neglected, and commit a great wrong against their children; for in after life they feel embarrassment, because of their lack of knowledge in these things. SA 60.1

Mothers should educate their daughters in regard to the laws of life. They should understand their own frame, and the relation their eating, drinking, and every-day habits, have to health and a sound constitution, without which the sciences would be of but little benefit. SA 60.2


While children are engaged in active labor, time will not hang heavily upon their hands, and they will have less opportunity to associate with vain, talkative, unsuitable companions, whose evil communications might blight the whole life of an innocent girl, by corrupting her good manners. SA 61.2 [E.G.White., Pioneer health reformer/Educator]


Mothers allow themselves to be deceived in regard to their daughters. If they labor, and then appear languid and indisposed, the indulgent mother fears that she has overtaxed them, and resolves henceforward to lighten their task. The mother bears the extra amount of labor which should have been performed by the daughters. If the true facts in the case of many were known, it would be seen that it was not the labor which was the cause of the difficulty, but wrong habits which were prostrating the vital energies, and bringing upon them a sense of weakness and great debility. In such cases, when mothers relieve their daughters from active labor, they, by so doing, virtually give them up to idleness, to reserve their energies. to consume upon the altar of lust. They remove the obstacles, giving the mind more freedom to run in a wrong channel, where they will more surely carry on the work of self-ruin. SA 62.2



The state of our world is alarming. Everywhere we look, we see imbecility, dwarfed forms, crippled limbs, misshapen heads, and deformity of every description. Sin and crime, and the violation of natures laws, are the causes of this accumulation of human woe and suffering. A large share of the youth now living are worthless. Corrupt habits are wasting their energies, and bringing upon them loathsome and complicated diseases. Unsuspecting parents will try the skill of physicians, one after another, who prescribe drugs, when they generally know the real cause of the failing health; but for fear of offending, and losing their fees, they keep silent, when, as faithful physicians, they should expose the real cause. Their drugs only add a second great burden for abused nature to struggle against; and in this struggle nature often breaks down in her efforts, and the victim dies. And the friends look upon the death as a mysterious dispensation of Providence, when the most mysterious part of the matter is, that nature bore up as long as she did against her violated laws. Health, reason, and life, were sacrificed to depraved lusts. SA 62.3 [E.G.White., Pioneer health reformer/Educator]



Children who practice self-indulgence previous to puberty, or the period of merging into manhood or womanhood, must pay the penalty of natures violated laws at that critical period. Many sink into an early grave, while others have sufficient force of constitution to pass this ordeal. If the practice is continued from the age of fifteen and upward, nature will protest against the abuse she has suffered, and continues to suffer, and will make them pay the penalty for the transgression of her laws, especially from the ages of thirty to forty-five, by numerous pains in the system, and various diseases, such as affection of the liver and lungs, neuralgia, rheumatism, affection of the spine, diseased kidneys, and cancerous humors. Some of natures fine machinery gives way, leaving a heavier task for the remaining to perform, which disorders natures fine arrangement, and there is often a sudden breaking down of the constitution; and death is the result. SA 63.1 [E.G.White., Pioneer health reformer/Educator]


My sisters, as mothers we are responsible in a great degree for the physical, mental, and moral, health of our children. We can do much by teaching them correct habits of living. We can show them, by our example, that we make a great account of health, and that they should not violate its laws. We should not make it a practice to place upon our tables food which would injure the health of our children. Our food should be prepared free from spices. Mince pies, cakes, preserves, and highly-seasoned meats, with gravies, create a feverish condition in the system, and inflame the animal passions. We should teach our children to practice habits of self-denial; that the great battle of life is with self, to restrain the passions, and bring them into subjection to the mental and moral faculties. SA 65.1 E.G.White., Pioneer health reformer/Educator


My sisters, be entreated to spend less time over the cook-stove, preparing food to tempt the appetite, and thus wearing out the strength given you of God to be used for a better purpose. A plain, nourishing diet will not require so great an amount of labor. We should devote more time to humble, earnest prayer to God, for wisdom to bring up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. The health of the mind is dependent upon the health of the body. As Christian parents, we are bound to train our children in reference to the laws of life. We should instruct them, by precept and example that we do not live to eat, but that we eat to live. We should encourage in our children a love for nobleness of mind, and a pure, virtuous character. In order to strengthen in them the moral perceptions, the love of spiritual things, we must regulate the manner of our living, dispense with animal food, and use grains, vegetables, and fruits, as articles of diet. E.G.White., Pioneer health reformer/Educator




1.       DIET: We notice bad diet as a cause of unchastity. By bad diet we mean the use of food and drinks of bad qualities and unreasonable quantities Man is made over again every few years; and the new bones, blood, and muscles, are manufactured from what is eaten and drank. The physical health and strength of man must, therefore, depend very much upon the food and drink he takes into his stomach 

Feeding children upon pork, gravies, eggs, pastry made of lard, salt meats, with mustard and pepper, rich pies and cakes, spices, cloves, and other excitants; candies and sweetmeats, vinegar, pickles, tea and coffee, and every thing of this description, eaten at all hours of day and late at night, tend to re the blood, derange the functions of the system, excite the nerves and bring on a precocious development of the sexual passion.
      No one doubts this. Some substances actually poison the body to death, others produce but little perceivable injury, while others still produce results of a doubtful character, and yet others do the system some good; and, nally, others support, invigorate, and strengthen, to the greatest possible degree.    The diet or food of the young prematurely develops amativeness. There unquestionably exists a reciprocal relation between the body and the animal propensities. We have no room to introduce the proof of this principle, although it is indispensable in order to enforce the inference that tea, coffee, snuff, tobacco, candies, esh, etc., stimulate the animal propensities and excite amativeness. The position, however, is undeniable, that whatever articially excites the body, thereby stimulates the animal propensities more than the intellectual and moral faculties. Tea, coffee, esh, spice, etc., are unquestionably. O.S. Fowler,


2. SEDENTARY HABITS:  self-pity, lonesomeness, idleness and sedentariness increases the feasibility to secret vice, the human body needs plenty of exercise in order to function properly. When someone has a laudable employment and a goal he is diligently seeking to achieve, he is secured to an extent from this vice.  

Active employment will give but little time to invite Satans temptations. They may be often weary, but this will not injure them. Nature will restore their vigor and strength in their sleeping hours, if her laws are not violated. And the thoroughly-tired person has less inclination for secret indulgence. SA 62.1
Nothing is important for the prevention and cure of masturbation then useful activity or employment.   Be active! When you awake in the morning, get up - go out - work - keep active during the day. When night comes, go to bed only to sleep - follow up this course day after day - etc."      
From Sedentariness the genital system is perhaps the greatest sufferer. Excited in common with the bowels, etc., almost, and often quite, to inammation, its secretions become profuse, and its peculiar excitement often nearly constant. This excitement is thrown back upon the brain, thereby lling the mind with lascivious thoughts, and painting lascivious images upon the canvas of the imagination. One might as well look for limpid and pure cold waters in the stagnant marsh, as for the freshness and vigor of health, whether of body or mind, in the victim of unrelieved sedentariness! Dr. Woodward, of the Massachusetts State Lunatic Hospital,
                     The mind and bodys health are in a direct proportion to virtuous activity. Morbidity is substituted by health, strength, peace and cheerfulness.  
        The course which most mothers pursue, in training their children in this dangerous age, is injurious to their children. It prepares the way to make their ruin more certain. Some mothers, with their own hands, open the door and virtually invite the devil in, by permitting their daughters to remain in idleness, or what is but little better, spend their time in knitting edging, crocheting, or embroidering, and employ a hired girl to do those things their children should do. SA 59.2


3.       UNGUARDED AVENUES OF THE MIND: Many parents do their children much harm ignorantly, in their quest to incorporate in them the culture of reading and improved vocabulary, books such as senderillar and other sensual novels or love tales are introduced to the children these books do not fall short of their baleful  effect. A child will be known by the company he keeps, whether be it books, pictures, friends or music.

Several instances of the baleful inuences of novel- reading having recently come under my observation, I feel constrained to lift a note of warning against the indulgence of this pernicious habit. . . Nothing tends more to destroy virtuous principles, or promote the growth of unholy appetites and passions. It is a real barrier to all useful acquirements, and, if persisted in, will effectually counteract the most faithful religious instruction." Novels are my prayers, said the dying harlot. The evils of licentiousness can never be stayed, so long as voluptuous reading keeps up the excitement of the public imagination. Margaret Prior  
  Sexual desire, cherished by the mind, and dwelt upon by the imagination, not only increases the excitability and peculiar sensibility of the genital organs themselves; but always throws an inuence equal to the intensity of the affection, over the whole nervous domain; disturbing all the functions depending on them for vital energy, which is thereby increased upon, or distracted from, them - and if this excitement is frequently repeated or long continued, it inevitably induces an increased degree of irritability and debility and relaxation generally, throughout the whole nervous and muscular tissues, and especially the nerves of organic life. And hence, those lascivious DAY-DREAMS and amorous reveries, in which young people - and especially the idle and the voluptuous, and the sedentary and the nervous - are exceedingly apt to indulge, are often the sources of general debility, effeminacy eminacy, disordered functions, and premature disease, and even premature death, without the actual exercise of the general organs! Indeed, this unchastity of thought - this adultery of the mind - is the beginning of immeasurable evil to the human family." - Graham's Lectures to Young Men, p. 57.
The very building blocks of character are thought. For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:  Proverbs 23:7, For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashed hands defileth not a man. Matthew 15:19-20.    Thoughts translates into action which if continued becomes a habit and hence the character is produced. The character is influenced by choice of books, friends, music, and the media. Guarding the avenues of the mind can not be over emphasized.

4.       INHERITED TENDENCIES:  The father was, perhaps, born with strong sexual passions which have never been controlled, and the mother may have inherited similar conditions. They have married without any appreciation of what true marriage is, and too often solely, or principally, for the gratication of the animal passions; for lust, and not for live. The child is begotten in mere passion! The father transmits his propensities to indulgence, along with the excitement of irritation of the sexual organs arising from those propensities; and not only this, but the sexual passion is indulged during pregnancy, which causes the mother to transmit doubly of the direful ill to the offspring within her womb, while at the same time the nervous force expended detracts just so much from the rights of the child to inherit a strong, well-balanced, and healthy organization. 

"Every orgasm expends of the mother's vitality a portion that should go to nourish and develop her babe. Very much of the weakness and lassitude experienced during pregnancy is due to the exhaustion consequent upon the sexual embrace, and the forming child must suffer from its effects; for the mother cannot impart what she does not herself possess, Health and strength, with elasticity of mind and earnestness of purpose.

5.       DISREGARD FOR THE LAWS OF HEALTH: You can not disregard the laws of health and preserve a healthy body and mind. Intemperance in the use of that which is even good tells largely on our will power. When the appetite has mastery over the reasoning or will power, it paves the way passions of every spice to do same.

6.       Withdrawal from religious activities dwarfs the spiritual strengthIn the gospel of Christ exist a power that can recreate the mind and passion giving its possessor the a new heart and Spirit. Invigorating the will power in patient and endurance to say no to temptation. The grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say No to godliness and worldly passions, and live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age. [TITUS 2:11,12 NIV]. THE MOST EFFECTIVE STILL IS EARNEST PRAYER FOR DIVINE HELP.




What do you think about masturbation, a beautiful and wholesome practice that ought to be carried out as frequently as the brushing of teeth or a vice that one should break loose from and flew from as though from Devil himself?




·         1. E. P. Miller, M. D., The Cause of Exhausted Vitality.

·         2. Graham's Lectures to Young Men, p. 57.

·         3. O.S. Fowler, Facts and Important Information.

·         4. James White, Solemn appeal.

·         5. Ellen. G. White, A solemn appeal.

·         6. Dr W. Malamud and Dr G. Palmer, Journal of nervous and mental disorders, 76:220,1932

·         7. Carl C. Pfeiffer, MD, PhD. Zinc and other micro-nutrients [New Canaan Connecticut, USA, Keats publishing, Inc.]


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