Hydrotherapy comes from two Greek words Hydro meaning water and therapy meaning treatment, in other words Hydrotherapy means the use of water in any of its three forms (Solid, Liquid, or Steam) either externally or internally to restore health...READ MORE
proficient tips on cause, prevention and cure.
Osteoporosis is a
disease in which the bones becomes fragile, brittle, and fracture easily. It is
characterized by an abnormal loss of calcium and phosphorus from the bones.
Bone is living material. It is constantly broken down by cells called osteoclasts and built up again by cells called osteoblasts. This process is called bone remodeling, and it continues throughout an individual’s life. Normally, more bone is built up than is broken down from birth through adolescence. In the late teens or early twenties, people reach their peak bone mass—the most bone that they will ever have. For twenty or so years, bone gain and bone loss remain approximately balanced in healthy people with good nutrition. However, when women enter menopause, usually in their mid to late forties, for the first 5to 7 years bone loss occurs at a rate of 1–5% a year. (Men National Women’s Health Center, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)
There is a skeletal
pain [especially in the hip and back], deformities (such as a hump in the upper
back), a stooping and rounding of the shoulders, increased susceptibility to
fractures and a reduction in height. There is lower back pain, loss of height (up
to several inches), and stooping posture.
This loss of bone mass occurs because bone formation is
slowed; and bone reabsorption increases. Bone reabsorption means that the body
is removing calcium and other minerals from the bones, in order to use them
There are two main causes of osteoporosis,
1. Hormonal changes.
2. Dietary factors.
Younger women should be careful; research indicates that
osteoporosis often begin early in life rather than just after menopause.
However bone loss accelerates after menopause, due to a drop in estrogen’s
Other factors include late puberty, early menopause
(natural or artificially induced). Chronic liver or kidney disease, and the long
term use of anticoagulants, corticosteroids, and antiseizure medications.
Smoking is an excellent way to damage your bones.
It is caused mostly by mostly by lack of Calcium, vitamin
D, poor absorption and intake of foods which block absorption, etc.
The most important causes of osteoporosis is too much
dietary protein particular, protein in the form of meat chicken, fish, milk, egg, caffeine consumption, sugar
Protein causes an excess of hydrogen ions in the blood
elevating blood acid to dangerous levels, the blood acid level are neutralized
by drawing calcium from the bones and tooth. This calcium is then excreted in
the urine.
1. Avoid consumption of fast food.
2. Avoid caffeinated drinks.
3. Sugar in beverages.
4. carbonated soft drinks.
5. Sedentary lifestyles.
6. Avoid weight lifting, if done at all should be done properly
and carefully.
7. Avoid fatigue.
8. Avoid all animal products.
9. Chocolates.
10. Oily meals
There are eight joint doctors that handles osteoporosis
proficiently without charge,
These eight doctors have a reputation of losing less than
ten percent of every ailment brought to them including osteoporosis,
Let's commence the introduction of these doctors with the
acronym "G-O-D'-S-P-L-A-N".
Beloved, I wish above
all things that thou mayest proper and be in health, even as thy soul propereth
3 John 2
It is the Lord that
health thee; if you put your whole trust in God and rely on Him having faith
that through His mercies you will regain your health because He has promised to
make fat your bones Isaiah 58:11
A brisk walk in an
open air would enhance circulation which indirectly enhances the blood and
organ functions to get rid of the toxins that cloak the system; deep breathing
exercise will also enhance the amount of oxygen intake.
The body supplies
minerals to the bones when extra demands are placed them (bones). When you
exercise, you stress the bone structure which in turn produces an electric
charge that results in the laying down of calcium and other minerals in the
bones. Regular weight bearing exercise such as walking results in the deposit
of more minerals in the in the bones to strengthen them, especially where you
need it the most, the bones of the legs, hips and spine.
It is rightly said
"good blood equals good circulation"
The "New England journal of Medicine, December 3,
1992, 327,(23):1637-1642" reported that 1,200mg of elemental calcium plus
800IU of vitamin D reduced the risk of hip fracture 43 percent over a period of
eighteen months in healthy women aged seventy-eight to ninety years. Bone density increases by nearly 3 percent,
whereas bone density in the placebo group dropped nearly five percent in that
When sunlight strikes the skin, oils on it are irradiated,
vitamin D is synthesized in the skin. Those oil are then reabsorbed into the
blood stream and carried to the liver, where it is stored and as needed, sent
throughout the body to strengthen the bones. Without this vitamin, the body
cannot absorb calcium, as a result, they become soft.
Get approximately fifteen minutes of exposure to direct
Sunlight on your face, hands and arms at least three times a week. Be careful
never to burn your skin or get so much sunlight exposure that your skin turns pink,
as excessive exposure to sunlight can lead to skin cancer and may increase your
risk of melanoma. Remember that adequate vitamin D protection requires exposure
to sunlight for only one-fourth of the time that is required to burn the skin.
Be on bed latest 9:30pm, sleep with the light off. Sleep
for seven to eight hours, proper rest allow your body to repair and renew
Our bodies are about 70 percent water; while 22 percent is
in the bone as lubricants aid the moving parts of a machine so water lubricants
the joints and inter-space contributing to healthier teeth and bones.
Water helps wash the acid out of our esophagus and dilute
it, which lightens our body's metabolic load and increases circulation
Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day
Rinse out and refresh your body with an alternating hot and
cold shower in the morning
Be temperate in all things, avoid every harmful substance
while that which is good should be used moderately, and avoid excessiveness.
The body is imbedded with a self-healing mechanism, if only
we can supply the body right fuel, it is capable of healing itself. The cell
which is the smallest unit of life is the building block. If we have healthy
cells, inevitably we have healthy body. Good food + good drink (clean water) +
Good digestion + good elimination = pure blood =healthy cells = good health
(spiritual, mentally and physically)
One of the basic needs of the cell is nutrition, so healthy
diet = healthy cells = healthy tissues = healthy organs = healthy system or
Eat a diet rich in calcium for example green leafy
vegetables, raw fruits, whole grain, oat
meal brown rice, sesame seeds, kale,
millet, and all Alkaline producing Foods.
Good calcium source will contain a lot of calcium and relatively
little phosphorus and should contain 21% calcium by weight
flaxseed is excellent for bone reabsorption issues, it is a
natural hormone replacement therapy. Intake of flaxseed has shown a decrease in
bone reabsorption and reduction in calcium excretion.